Nov 15, 2023 | Articles, Commentary, Covid 19, Deaths, Doctors, Documentaries, Editorials, FACT CHECKERS, hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, MASK USAGE, Natural Immunity, News, Remedies, side effects, Vaccines, Videos
A well-produced video by a journalist who develops a topic and probes deep into issues can help the masses understand what many would consider a mind-blowing reality. This is exactly what Brian Rose did recently on London Real with guest Dr. Peter McCullough. The...
Nov 1, 2023 | Articles, Commentary, COMPLIANCE, Covid 19, Deaths, Doctors, Documentaries, Editorials, Excess Deaths, FACT CHECKERS, MASK USAGE, News, Origins, PCR TESTS, Remedies, side effects, Vaccine Side Effects, Vaccines, Videos, Vitamin C, Vitamin D