Dec 28, 2020 | Vaccines, Videos
This video was taped at CAL JAM and released by Erin Elizabeth at Health Nut News It is with such a heavy heart that I list yet another activist found dead, and this time it is my friend and colleague, Brandy Vaughan, the founder of the well-known non profit Learn The...
Dec 20, 2020 | Articles, Vaccines
Brandy Vaughan is the founder of the website 46 that exposes the negative health effects of vaccines and other medical interventions. Brandy, a former Merck sales executive turned vaccine whistleblower, died earlier this week, and her body was...
Dec 20, 2020 | Doctors, Videos, Wellness
World-renowned scientist, Molecular Biologist, immunologist and Professor Dolores Cahill, Phd talks about the current Covid situation, Hydroxychloroquine in combination with vitamine C, D and Zinc and how to prepare your immune system for any type of Corona/Flu...