Elites are taking over! Our only hope is to form our own. To learn more join my cartel here https://www.russellbrand.com/join and get weekly bulletins too incendiary for anything but your private inbox. *not a euphemism Listen to my Luminary Original podcast, Under The Skin, to hear from guests including Edward Snowden, Jonathan Haidt, Jordan Peterson, Naomi Klein, Kehinde Andrews, Adam Curtis and Vandana Shiva. Subscribe to Luminary at http://apple.co/russell My NEW weekly meditation podcast, Above the Noise, is available now only on Luminary. SEE ME LIVE! Check out my live events and buy tickets here https://www.russellbrand.com/live-dates/
“there’s no conflict of interest, because the interests are all going in one direction”. I thought that was brilliant. Informative and funny. It’s great to see some people thinking clearly about these issues and to do it with humor is a great talent”
Stuart Hys
“If ten years ago someone told me I would be relying on Russel Brand and Russian government funded TV to get the truth about what’s going on in the world, I’d have said you were nuts, but now here we are.”
Daniel Daniels
“Glad he’s doing this to wake up the people who thought this didn’t exist. I’ve been spreading these videos to people who never believed before hearing it from Russell. He’s changing the game and honestly we need to make sure he stays safe.. this is when people mysteriously “die” of heart attack or catch “covid” ..